Building a Scalable and Customizable ERP System with Ruby on Rails


Have you ever wondered why all businesses want to Go Digital!!

Every business is different and needs unique solutions to manage employees, buy and sell products, and account for finances through advanced applications such as ERP.

The latest statistical data states that around 81% of companies across the Industry are either in the process of implementing ERP or have already implemented it.

Such a massive rise in demand for development is only created when the technology to develop it - ERP System with Ruby on Rails has shown exponential results over time.

Walk through our guide to learn how a Ruby on Rails development company builds a scalable and customizable ERP system with Ruby on Rails, which is an ideal choice for web and Enterprise development.

The fundamental concepts of an ERP system need to be understood before going into the technical aspects. An ERP system integrates various business functions such as finance, human resources, inventory management, supply chain, and customer relationship management into a centralized platform. It gives users access to real-time data visibility, process automation, and efficient decision-making

What is Ruby on Rails?

Since its initial release 16 years ago, Ruby on Rails had an upward trend as an increasingly advanced technology. It is a ‘full-stack development framework’ used to make interactive Web applications. It is a tool that helps developers create websites more easily and quickly. It follows rules and guidelines, so developers don’t have to start from scratch every time they build a new website. Rails take care of common tasks, like handling databases and organizing the codes, allowing developers to focus on adding unique features and making the website work according to their needs. It's like having a blueprint that makes applications faster, scalable, and more efficient.

Millions of websites are developed using Ruby on Rails covering various industries. Some of the renowned websites built with Ruby on Rails are Twitter, Etsy, Shopify, Github, Airbnb, CrunchBase, and Zendesk.

Understanding ERP Systems:

An Enterprise Resource Planning system is a centralized platform that a company uses to integrate all core business operations required to streamline their business and improve data visibility. Core business operations such as finance, Human Resource Management, manufacturing, and Supply Chain procurement services into a unified system. It is called the ‘Brain’ of the company's technology system.

Why choose ERP with Ruby on Rails?

Companies prefer to hire RoR Developers from Ruby on Rails Development Company for several benefits they offer to build a perfect enterprise Application. Some Benefits are mentioned below:

  • Rapid Development:

An advantage of ERP Systems with Ruby on Rails is that it works on the principle of Convection over configuration, reducing the time and effort to develop such a complicated application. When new developers join a Ruby on Rails Development Company, they can start working on project development immediately as it provides a pre-built library, gems, and tools. In addition, RoR focuses on logic and functionality instead of being occupied with repetitive tasks with its simple and consistent coding.

  • Scalability and Modularity:

As an organization grows, the application's scalability becomes necessary to handle a sizeable amount of data. Ruby on Rail‘s expertise in modularity allows developers to build separate and reusable components making it easier to maintain and expand in the future.

  • ActiveRecord and Database Abstraction:

Ruby on Rails makes interaction with databases simpler with its ActiveRecord library. It provides easier management of complex data relationships in an ERP system with its user-friendly interface.

Another advantage of Rails is its database abstraction layer which enables developers to easily switch between database systems, like PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite, with no need to rewrite the codes again to save time.

  • Supportive Community and Ecosystem:

The sizeable community of Ruby on Rails helps in providing valuable resources and guidance. While developing an ERP system with Ruby on Rails, developers can access a vast open-source library with pre-built plug-ins, gems, and extensions.

These resources make it easy to integrate new features and ensure continuous development.

  • Testing and Quality Assurance:

Ruby on Rails has a built-in testing framework to reduce the occurrence of bugs and track errors. Features like RSpec and Capybara help address the problem arising during the development process only.

The Ruby on Rail Development Company doesn't need a third-party testing tool to test the complete code before implementing it. Additionally, Rails promotes test-driven development techniques in which developers build tests along with their code. This approach aids in building a stable and dependent ERP system.

  • Developer Productivity:

Ruby on Rails is designed to increase developer productivity. It works with a simple syntax making it easier for developers to create code in no time. The framework follows the best coding standards and practices, that help to maintain and update the code for developers to easily understand others' code. With productivity as the prime focus, development durations are shortened and new team members can join ERP projects without much extensive training.

  • Security and Stability:

Ruby on Rails has built-in security features that help protect against common web application vulnerabilities like Cross-Site Scripting and Cross-Site Request Forgery. The framework automatically includes measures to secure parameters and manage sessions securely. Rails' security features and practices make it ideal for developing a reliable ERP system.


Market trends are dynamic, user expectations keep evolving, and the growth of a business is not bound. The success of a web application is closely related to its architecture.

Make the most out of Ruby on Rails's benefits by investing in its vast pool of advantages over other alternatives. One should evaluate the suitability of Ruby on Rails in alignment with the project's goals and the development team's expertise.

If you want your ERP system with Ruby on Rails to be successful, Hire RoR Developers with top-notch productive programming skills to plan out every little detail. Find a RoR developer from Ruby on Rails Development Company to accelerate your growth. Let's connect today!